In the modern day, there is a constant flow of local, national, and even global news and information coming from all directions. With so many different platforms and sources at our fingertips, it is very common for people to get their information from all types of places. Here are my current top five sources of news and information. 

1.  My iphone's News App

  • One of my main sources of breaking news is my iphone’s News app. This app notifies me of all types of break news and even basic news stories going on in the current day. I like this source of news and information because it keeps me informed on situations that I otherwise would be completely clueless on. This is exactly why I would recommend people have the News app downloaded. 

2. Instagram 

  • Instagram is one of the most common social media platforms worldwide. Due to the fact that individuals from all over the globe have access to this app, there is constant communication on events, situations, and occurrences coming from all around the world. Instagram is one of my favorite sources of information and I would recommend it because of the fact that there is so much more to the platform than just finding out news from around the world. 

3. My Family

  • It was an easy decision to pick my favorite source of news and information as it is definitely my family. It’s very typical for individuals to have similar viewpoints as those they have been surrounded by since birth. I enjoy learning about current news from my close relatives because of the fact that they understand my views on certain subjects. It would be difficult to recommend that other people should get their information from their families because of differing views and levels of understanding on different topics. 

4. My Peers/ Classes

  • As a college student, I am constantly learning. On campus, I live in my sorority house with 15 girls, a scary thought for most. Every night the majority of us sit in our living room discussing all types of stuff from how our days went to the biggest news stories. Being exposed to so many different people I find that I hear about new things almost every day. In several of my course, my professors discuss current events which also broadens my understanding of situations. I recommend people discuss current events with their peers and instructors because it widens their horizons. 

5. Podcasts 

  • One of the newer forms of spreading news and information throughout our current society is podcasts. These are recorded sessions of individuals or multiple people talking and or having discussions. I listen to BFFs Podcast which is a Barstool podcast that covers pop culture news produced. I would recommend this platform to others because it is an easy way to discover new info and current trending events
    while doing the simple task of listening.
