Blog #3 - US Supreme Court

The Supreme Court Of The United States of America is the head of the Judicial Branch of the US government. This is one of the three separate powers leading this great country. Upon doing research for this blog assignment I learned that the name of this high court can be shortened or abbreviated to be SCOTUS. Being the most powerful court in the entire country I found myself wondering what it is that these 9 powerful justices truly do. I discovered that the individuals that sit on this court hold the extreme power of evaluating US laws and deciding if these laws coincide with our nation's constitution. This branch also has the authority to check the other two branches of government leading America, the legislative and executive branches, this is the most important key takeaway. As well as the most surprising thing I learned because with this being true I believe that the Supreme Court should be doing more to keep the other two branches of government in line. For example, with the recent discovery of President Joe Biden possessing classified American documents. In my opinion, this high court needs to be holding Joe Biden responsible for this unacceptable action. The way that I think about the United States Supreme Court changed when doing my research for this blog post because I learned more about the creation and history of this high court. I was not aware that the Supreme Court has been around since the very birth of America as our first President George Washington is the individual who signed the Judiciary Act of 1789 which assembled this high court of then only six Supreme Justices. I learned the way that individuals are picked to serve on this high court. The President decides on a certain person then the other branch, the legislative can either confirm or deny the president's decision. This is an example of how these three branches of the US government work together to lead the country.
