Blog #6 - Antiwar

        It’s funny how growing up I thought that the United States of America was, without a doubt, the freest and most open country to individuals hailing from differing cultures, ideologies, and thoughts. I truly believed that America was the safest place to be and I felt as though the leaders of my country would go to any length to protect me not only physically but through the virtual world and on the global level. 

        Upon exploring ANTIWAR.COM I discovered what seemed to be an entirely new world of information. This website is full of links to articles and reports on extremely important current news stories and situations that are happening around the world. As I continued to explore the site further, it was beyond alarming to me to discover a plethora of extremely important information that I had no prior knowledge of. I also visited The American Conservative website, which is a similar site that also compiles news articles and information. Before being assigned this blog post I had never heard of these websites. In addition, I had virtually no awareness of the majority of things that these websites are reporting on. I find this to be extremely disappointing as I have come to the realization that the USA is not the country I was so proud of growing up. 

   The news we receive is censored by our government as they apparently see it as their role to set the agenda that our society is living in. For this reason, it is critical for people to seek out obscure websites such as these in order to educate themselves on what is really occurring on a global level.  At present, it appears that the US government is taking steps to ensure that the public doesn’t have consistent, free-flowing access to voices that differ from their agenda. Perhaps this is because they don’t want society to unite as one against the set agenda they have.
